Galeria Libris
| at Gagallery in Portland, Oregon, USA through 4 April 2025. "Galeria Libris", curated by Stashia Cabral, is a Book Arts-themed art show featuring Artist Books and Book-related artworks as well as illustrations, collages, sculpture and small press books. During the exhibition, the gallery will hold artist talks and workshops by the artists in the show. | | | |
| Kinburn, Ontario, Canada. From Artist Geoff Wonnacott, “In today’s world we have become wired to accept conglomerations of information, materials and images. One can find meaning in what may have previously been seen as chaos. With modern tools and the evolution of aesthetics and design principles, we have the capability for processing a new visual vernacular. It is no wonder collage is so popular.” Wonnacott is strictly non-digital, analogue if you will, a cut and paster. “Not anti-digital, it’s just not my process”. He loves shuffling and sorting scrippets of paper. Sticking together some hidden order of things. | | | |
Ray Maseman
Stevensville, Michigan, USA
Ray Maseman’s current work explores and embodies grief as a normal, healthy, and integral, yet difficult and disheartening facet of human existence. The choice of collage for this exploration is intentional. The elements of chance and serendipity inherent in collage mirror the sometimes unpredictable pathways of grief. At the same time, the playfulness of collage allows for being surprised by joy. The collage, Winter Is Past, appears in Collage Artist Trading Cards Pack 10.
Curating selections from the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory, Kolaj Institute publishes packs of Collage Artist Trading Cards as a way to diffuse and share the artwork of the International Collage Community. Each card is a full-color, 5.5” x 3.5” postcard with rounded corners with an example of an artist’s work on the front of the card and the artist’s contact information on the back. Collage Artist Trading Cards come in packs of 15. Collage Artist Trading Card packs offer a glimpse into artist practice.
Order your pack today: HERE
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You Kissed Me First
at The Pollinator Art Space in Atlanta, Georgia, USA through 10 April 2025. "You Kissed Me First" presents collaborative works by painter Sharon Shapiro and photographer Jody Fausett. The exhibition features fifty spare, poetic collages that delve into themes of desire, gender, and identity, shaped by the artists’ Southern childhoods—Fausett’s in rural Georgia and Shapiro’s in southern West Virginia. These works bridge the realms of eroticism and violence, exposing the underbelly of late 20th-century America’s aspirational culture with its fixation on youth, beauty, and wealth. While Fausett primarily works in photography and Shapiro in painting, their turn to collage becomes a vehicle for exploration—dissecting and reassembling memory and dreams.
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Rawness and Vitality
| Lincoln, Illinois, USA. Peter Ahart focuses on responding to experiences in the military and the effects that serving has on our veterans and their families through the materiality of process and the vitality of material. The process of developing, and responding to the art is the driving factor within his work. Throughout these processes, the viewer will see the historical record of actions, and reactions, allowing for the “soul” of the piece to emerge. | | | |
Kolaj Magazine exists to show how the world of collage is rich, layered, and thick with complexity. By remixing history and culture, collage artists forge new thinking. To understand collage is to reshape one's thinking of art history and redefine the canon of visual culture that informs the present. Your support of this magazine keeps us going and makes it possible for us to investigate and document collage and to promote a deeper, more complex understanding of the medium and its role in art history and contemporary art.
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Collage in Practice Workshop
| Early deadline to apply: Wednesday, 26 March 2025. Intended as a clinic for working artists at any level, participants in this workshop will explore how they go about making art and putting it out into the world. How to set goals and manage one’s practice towards those goals. How to get your work seen. How to get an exhibition. How to create and maintain an inventory. How to identify and think about artist ancestors and how they influence our artwork. These are some of the challenges artists face when they want to take their art practice to the next level. Together, we will explore the difference between art as a hobby, profession, or vocation. Wednesdays, 23 and 30 April and 7 and 14 May 2025, 6-8PM EDT | | | |
Artist Development at Kolaj Institute
At Kolaj Institute, our philosophy is that if we bring artists together, explore ideas and concepts, share knowledge, we can stretch and develop as artists. When we bring that knowledge and skill into our communities, we raise the standing of collage and contribute to the civic discourse. Kolaj Institute's Artist Development Program is a collection of three core workshops for self-motivated artists, at any stage in their career, who want to develop and expand their collage-based artist practice and work towards professional goals, particularly in the areas of exhibitions and publishing.
Click on the Read More button to learn more and apply.
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Since 2011, Kolaj Magazine has documented, reported on, and explored the amazing artists who make up the international collage community.
Inside Kolaj #40, you will find large scale collages from Australia, an installation in Finland, a collaborative book of dog collages, activist assemblage art, reimagined fiber, a collage festival in Ukraine, an interview with Dutch collagist Anneke Stil, reviews of exhibitions in Houston, Texas & County Mayo, Ireland, collage books, news from Kolaj Institute in New Orleans, and artist portfolios.
Our goal with every issue is that Kolaj Magazine is essential reading for anyone interested in the role of contemporary collage in art, culture, and society.
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Volume 7
PoetryXCollage is a printed journal of artwork and writing that operates at the intersection of poetry and collage. We are interested in found poetry, blackout poetry, collage poems, haikus, centos, response collages, response poems, word scrambles, concrete poetry, scatter collage poems, and other poems and artwork that inhabit this world.
PoetryXCollage, Volume Seven includes artwork and writing by Pablo Cabrera Ferralis (Leipzig, Germany); Natalie W Schorr (Greenville, North Carolina, USA); Hanna Madej (Wroclaw, Poland); Dianalog (Palm Springs, Florida, USA); Christy Sheffield Sanford (Saint Augustine, Florida, USA); and a selection of Asemic Writing Collage Poems from Anthony D Kelly, Laura Tafe, Thomas Mayer, and Janice McDonald, with commentary by Ric Kasini Kadour. On the Cover is a detail of BY CHANCE/LA DÉRIVE by Pablo Cabrera Ferralis.
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This new version of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s classic 19th century novel Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus features seventy-six illustrations by International Collage Artists who delved into the novel’s rich narrative and visual potential and created thought-provoking artworks that reflect the essence of Frankenstein in a 21st century context.
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Magic in the Modern World
Taking a broad view of magic and drawing from multiple histories, the book, Magic in the Modern World, proposes a way to think about magic in the 21st century, what it means to communities, and how it negotiates itself in systems of power. Generously illustrated, the book features the artwork of fifteen collage artists and dozens of historical images.
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"I Cut Therefore I Kolaj" T-shirt
Since we started Kolaj Magazine in 2011, people have been asking about t-shirts. Well, we finally made one. We are pleased to announce the "I Cut Therefore I Kolaj" T-shirt. We hope you like it and wear it with pride.
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Kasini House Artshop works with the Kolaj Magazine Artist Directory to produce curated packs of the Collage Artist Trading Cards. Each card is a full color, 5.5” x 3.5” postcard with rounded corners. An example of an artist’s work is on the front of the card and the artist’s public contact information is on the back. Collage Artist Trading Cards come in packs of 15.
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About Kolaj Magazine
Kolaj Magazine is a quarterly, printed, art magazine reviewing and surveying contemporary collage with an international perspective. We are interested in collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century art movement. Kolaj is published in Montreal, Quebec by Maison Kasini. Visit Kolaj Magazine online.
About Kolaj Institute
The mission of Kolaj Institute is to support artists, curators, and writers who seek to study, document, & disseminate ideas that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement. We operate a number of initiatives meant to bring together community, investigate critical issues, and raise collage’s standing in the art world.
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